I have been doing more posts about art. I think art is very important for the reason that it feeds us, throughout our joys and struggles in life we need to return to what inspires us, what makes us feel alive. It makes me happy to share the art of others who have inspired me, touched my life in some way through their work. When I feel lost or weary, or worn down by life I can always return to their work, it inspires me and helps me to grow as a person on my own journey. I would also like to do some post about people who are doing art with recycled items. I am still working on that part.
I have never liked boredom. I enjoy keeping busy. If I am totally frazzled I will veg out and watch a movie. If I am relaxed, and want to relax further reading is a great vehicle to more relaxation. Years ago I realized that every time I sat down to read for twenty minutes I felt a difference in my nervous system. Everything seemed to calm down. Meditation helps also, to clear my mind, relax my body, and center my life from the chaos of things I can’t control. When I was a child I saw that my grandparents were raised with that notion that “idle hands are the work of the devil.” My parents tried to shield me from those extremes of thought- but the desire to create with my hands, do crafts and embrace creativity come partially from that old vein of thought. So I appreciate it from a certain standpoint and let go of the rest. Both my grandmothers loved sewing, both my grandfathers loved woodwork, one did carvings; and one went on to become a master carpenter and engineer in the Navy. One of my grandmothers attended a craft high school in the mountains of Georgia. Their love for creativity was passed down through the years and I am forever grateful.
I have been learning things about upcycling clothing. Seeing that I can have an idea, and then when I cut the fabric I can suddenly decide to change my mind, go a different route. It mirrors my life at times. Those times when we are at pivotal points in life and not sure what is going on, which way to go. The upcycling inspires me even further when I see how flexible I can suddenly become with it. The same is true with life, how things can seem so stagnant for a while, then suddenly a new flood gate opens, a new opportunity arises, things change. Just like some wind that has blown in from a different direction and everything suddenly shifts, quivers, and lands differently.
I thought I’d do a separate post called “The Morning Muse” but somehow I think they can go together , this blog birthday, and my what I refer to as my “Morning Muse.” I have been talking about this the last few months with a few people, here or there, and several people told me they appreciated me telling them how I became inspired to honor these moments the last year and a half. It just sort of slowly evolved into a habit. I felt as if I was getting up in the morning, only focusing on my stretches and leg exercises (I have arthritis and foot pain so this is a daily challenge I have to work with) then getting ready to go to work. So often I found that I was too tired or frazzled after a long work day, commuting to do anything creative at the end of the day. This had been happening so many times through the last few years I felt sad about it. I needed a change- so I started my “Morning Muse” routine. What that means is that even if it is only five to fifteen minutes I start something creative. Or if I have something in the process that isn’t completed I will devote five to fifteen minutes to it. I have noticed that this daily effort to focus on that muse has assisted me, in that I know, I have something unfinished waiting for me. I want to go back to it; I want to finish it. The mere act of starting it propels me further little by little. I definitely feel that going to Portland, Oregon in the fall of 2013 caught my creativity on fire. I still haven’t been able to do everything I was inspired to do; the city just threw fuel on my fire and changed my life. It was an amazing experience, to go to a place that I felt looks the most like my personality of any place I have ever been. I also think this “Morning Muse” routine could be helpful to people who aren’t necessarily creative as well. It is about doing something that focuses on who you are, what makes you tick. It doesn’t have to be something creative. It could just be doing something you find special that lightens your heart and makes your day better.
Music helps me to center myself and get into the place I want to be for the creativity to flow. For years I embraced silence- hour upon hour of silence. I still enjoy silence, I have found it to be incredibly healing, but I am so happy that I let the music flow back into my life more often. It not only helps me to get to that place where there is more inspiration, it helps to keep it flowing, growing and feeding the creative fire. There are a bunch of musicians I like who have helped my creative process. The past several months I like listening to a lot of Jack Hardy, who was a folk singer in the folk scene I used to hang out on in the West Village. I always liked his songs, but now they help my creativity return to that time when I felt that I was at my most creative, when I was young and it was as if my mind was on fire. I am older now, much more calm and centered. I enjoy that there is a bridge to carry me to that old inspiration and time though. I find it ignites my soul, keep me in touch with the soft spots, where there is plenty of room for more growth, more freedom of expression.
I am sharing this song of Jack Hardy’s “The Tailor” since I always loved how he expresses an opinion about clothing, fashion, disguising one’s self, the emptiness in something like competitiveness; the real nakedness that is always underneath and so evident despite everything people do to cover up their insecurities. At the end of the post I have also written out the lyrics to his song since I always have loved his lyrics, they are like poetry. Jack passed away on March 11, 2011. A bunch of his songs are available to hear on YouTube.
I also want to express how having this blog has been helping me not be quite so shy; I am one of those people who are initially shy. The only time this wasn’t a challenge was when I was in retail or wholesale sales, since the whole approach was different under those circumstances. Once I get comfortable I am fine, but there has always been this element of shyness underneath. The mere act of creating posts, taking pictures of myself for posts, and then finding readers has been helping me get over hurdles emotionally. I still am shy, but it is not the same now. The whole confidence factor is more solid. It really helps to express myself this way and to find that others are enjoying my process as well. In one of my earliest post I wrote about not being allowed to express my thoughts much as a child. My biological father was rather controlling. I also wrote in that post about how I found clothing to be my first easy way to express rebellion. It is important for me to have a voice, as it is for all of us. I have attached a picture I found in magazine years ago. I have been wild about that phrase “I send a voice, let me be free” ever since I saw this picture.
And so my blog is having its first birthday. It has been rewarding, challenging and a lot of work. I finally feel like I am finding ways to create more frequent posts, and for them to not all be so time consuming. I came up with a different plan of cycles of posts. Some of them involve lots of research and hours of figuring out how to write what I want to write. Others are not so complicated. I plan to alternate these in such a way that only once or twice a month am I doing hours of research, so that the other times I can focus on creating the photos, loading them and all the technical things one deals with while having a blog. I also have a facebook page, you are welcome to like it if you wish. The URL is :https://www.facebook.com/rewindreduceandrecycle. There are times I share different things on there since it is not the blog.
I really admire people who manage to have a zero waste lifestyle. Lauren Singer, from Trash is For Tossers is an example. (http://www.trashisfortossers.com/) I would like to work towards that goal myself eventually, but for right now I realize “Easy does it.” I am a person who really enjoys recycling things, finding ways to cut down on packaged items and I am doing a lot already. As time goes by I am able to do more and more, so I also aim to share these with you. All of us have choices and our choices do have an effect on our planet, the more conscious we become of them the more we can do.
I appreciate those of you who have been logging on regularly and reading the posts. Also, thanks to several of you who have shared the various blog posts with others. My mother and daughter have been very supportive, and that has been wonderful. I hope you enjoyed this post and are having a great time outdoors this summer!
Lyrics to The Tailor
By Jack Hardy:
“The king’s guards man’s greedy, he’s underpaid he knows
Tailor sew me a cloak of indigo, that will disguise me well for the highway’s game
No one will suspect evil and the king’s cross are the same
I will pay you dearly with half of what I claim
No said the tailor, the tailor said no
A cloak will not hide what your own eyes see
A cloak will not change what is hidden underneath
Just as mind does not confine the idea of what I am
I am not a tailor, I am a man
The king’s queen is hungry for the pleasures adultery knows
Tailor sew me a cloak of scarlet, that will disguise me well for courting on the sly, that will make the fever transparent to the night’s eye
I will pay you dearly with favors and with sighs
No said the tailor, the tailor said no,
A cloak will not hide what your own eyes sees, a cloak will not change what is hidden underneath,
Just as mind does not confine what I am, I am not a tailor, I am a man
The king he is frightened with shadows behind his back
Tailor sew me a cloak of sable, that will disguise me well from the daggers of my foes, that will keep me far above those that are below
I will pay you dearly if you fail on the gallows
No said the tailor, the tailor said no
A cloak will not hide what your own eyes see
A cloak will not change what is hidden underneath
Just as mind does not confide the idea of what I am, I am not a tailor, I am a man.”
All written material by Marilyn Lavender. © Marilyn Lavender, 2015. “All rights reserved.”
The sunrise and tailor photos are from Flickr.
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